Vagas Vip da América

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2008

Canadá - Vagas de 01 de Maio de 2008


Job Description : A two-year program is designed to provide graduates/trainees with a strong foundation of technical and strategic skills to prepare them for global business leadership. During the program, they will have various rotational work assignments. One of the rotations will be in the field and others will be cross-functional rotations in different areas of the business such as research and development, marketing, planning and budgeting.

Background: master of science or a master of engineering in any of these disciplines: chemistry, physics, geology, mining or petroleum engineering, electrical or mechanical engineering, computer sciences or mathematics. Geographically mobile Seeks an international career Good command of English + ideally one other European language Strong leadership, communication + problem solving skills.

Please send your CV by email :
Ref. : CAEN28735

Para receber vagas diárias siga @novosplanos